
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Béaba Stackable Formula & Snack Containers

When the baby cries, when the toy fails (sing to tune of sound of music) when I'm feeling sad, I simply remember my favorite things... Okay for reals, this is one of my favorite gifts that I received from a friend when I had my baby. These Stackable Formula things are a Lifesaver! I just pre-measure out the formula I will need for each bottle and bring bottles filled with water and I am good to go for almost a whole days food. Great for traveling, church, boating, or even middle of the night feedings. My baby is starting to eat puffs and snacks so soon I will start putting little snacks in there also. You can find this awesome container at POTTERY BARN KIDS. And the best part is...its only $12!

She also got me this awesome Beaba Bottle Drying Rack and some Bottles. Best Present Ever. I seriously use this stuff every day. So if you are looking for a gift that goes above and beyond that target registry...this is it.

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